Or focus your campaigns along with suitable Phone Number List content. Like other 2.0 platforms, YouTube is by no means immune to misinformation , which has managed to spread like a corrosive virus in its domains in recent times. For this reason , a global group of verifiers Phone Number List from 40 countries published a joint letter this Wednesday denouncing that the one that has the status of being the most popular video channel in the world (it has, not in vain, 2,300 million monthly users ) is a Phone Number List hotbed of "fake news" and is also not doing everything it should to cut the wings of the hoaxes that circulate with impunity on its platform.
Approximately 80 organizations Phone Number List specialized in "fact-checking" such as Newtral, Maldita or Verificat warn that disinformation is even more rampant on YouTube since the outbreak of the pandemic, which has multiplied messages against science and Phone Number List vaccines in the affiliate of Google. "Youtube allows unscrupulous actors to use their Phone Number List platform as a weapon to manipulate and exploit other people, and to organize and raise funds ," denounce the verifiers who signed the letter.
Among the long list of sins that the authors Phone Number List of the letter see fit to foist on YouTube are the dissemination of theories (systematically rejected) that there was supposedly electoral fraud in the November 2020 elections in the United States , anti-vaccine Phone Number List messages, the promotion of false cures against COVID-19 or cancer and hate speech against ethnic and sexual minorities in countries like Brazil. There is also the circumstance that many of the lies that Phone Number List manage to gain a foothold on YouTube are spurred on by the platform's own recommendation algorithm.