Although I would like to be able to post my suggestion directly to Runescape, it is not possible. I am not a member, but rather a free OSRS gold player. This idea is available to anyone who is RC members. Do you ever want an easier way to boost up your stats after you finished all of your member's quests or free quests?
My idea is to make a skill side-quest. These side-quests are free and can only be played after you've completed every free quest including cooking, crafting, Firemaking, Fishing, Magic, Mining, Prayer, Smithing, Ranging, Runecrafting woodcutting. These member side-quest can only be used only when you have reached specific point in your quest (this is dependent on the Runescape Staff): Agility Construction, Farming, Fletching, Herblore, Slayer, Summoning, Thieving...
Side-quest example: When you've completed all of your free quests, you've reached a an unsatisfactory amount of prayer, and it is very difficult to obtain giants bones due to other players. But at the Monastery, there will be a monk that will always aid you.
He will also give you a chance to pray. You need to cleanse the river that surrounds the castle of the white knights. When the purifier has been finished, you will need to Buy 2007 runescape gold add it to the river around the castle of the white knights. After you done the side-quest, you gain alot of exp to the prayer ability. You can only return to the side-quest you completed each 4 hours.